Mario Murillo Talks About What God is Doing in America

Mario Murillo

Everything about Mario Murillo defies the odds. He is a native of San Francisco, a city not known for producing international evangelists. His ministry was born in the drug obsessed, occult saturated 70s, in the epicenter of violent student revolution – Berkeley, California.

His gift seemed doomed to fail on an atheistic campus. Mix in persuasive Gospel messages with the raw healing power of Jesus. The unexpected result was a vibrant army of 2,000 students.

Mario’s international ministry began in San Jose, with a four-day crusade that was extended to six months and reached 250,000 people in an Azusa Street-type visitation. Mario impacted San Francisco in 1986, with the largest Christian gathering in a decade. He returned there in 1989, to preach for 30 days at the world-famous Cow Palace as 5,000 people flooded the altar. Also in 1991, Mario preached in Los Angeles to a packed-out Shrine Auditorium. In a historical two-day crusade, he watched 1500 gang members give their lives to Christ. In 1999, after six months of IMPACT to the city of San Francisco, Mario returned to the Cow Palace for five nights of power where thousands received Christ.

Mario annually conducts approximately 50 outreaches which are noted for the presence of God and exuberant worship. His preaching pierces the heart and unravels modern evil. His IMPACT meetings are designed to be a power point to draw people together in unity for the purpose of prayer, worship and winning souls. With careful, strategic preparation in unity under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, cities can experience a fresh fire of revival like never before.

Mario has authored several best-selling books such as Critical Mass, Fresh Fire, Fresh Impact, I Am the Christian the Devil Warned You About, and his most recent release Edgewise.

I share Mario Murillo on here quite often as he is one of my favorite preachers … They call him an evangelist but I think of him more as a preacher, old fashioned, tell it like it is, the truth with no compromise. He makes sure that the worst of sinners are welcome by Jesus and now with the world where it is they are coming to the front wanting Jesus by the thousands! He shares about his mother who just passed away at the beginning and what a testimony for him mom! Mario’s mom came from Nicaragua before he was born but he knows the history of Marxism/Communism from his family who escaped it to move to America. He understands what is happening in our country right now! Take time to watch and listen to this great testimony and sharing of the huge meetings he is having in California right now! He is talking to pastors there about opening their churches and getting God back to the people there!!

Big Tech Backflip: Facebook Drops Australian News Ban, Bows to Government Regulation

Simon Kent 23 Feb 2021496 2:58

In an extraordinary backflip, Facebook announced Tuesday it will reverse its block on Australian users sharing news on its site and accept proposed government media bargaining laws that force it to pay for content.

The capitulation came after Prime Minister Scott Morrison called Facebook “arrogant,” warning against “Big Tech companies who think they are bigger than governments and that the rules should not apply to them.”

Discussions between Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg have now delivered a result in the government’s favor and stemmed the fierce public backlash against the media giant.

“Mark Zuckerberg said to me today [restoring pages] will occur in coming days,” Frydenberg said, the ABC reports.

Frydenberg added Australia had been a “proxy battle” for the rest of the world on the regulation of Google and Facebook.

“I have no doubt that so many other countries are looking at what is happening here in Australia, because of this innovative code the Morrison government is now pursuing, so Facebook and Google have not hidden the fact that they know that the eyes of the world are on Australia, and that is why they have sought to get a code here that is workable,” he said.

Facebook initially argued it had been forced to block Australian news in response to the proposed legislation, objecting to having to negotiate and set up a “fairer” negotiation process between the tech giants and news companies over the value of news content.

Morrison very quickly made clear his conservative coaliton government would set the terms and Facebook would have to comply as part of the long-running dispute.

Google was also caught up in the fight, but it signed payment deals with three major Australian media outlets while Facebook tried to make Canberra blink first.

It didn’t, and Morrison won wide praise for backing local media outlets over Big Tech operators.

India and the UK have already said they watched the media battle Down Under with interest and have flagged plans to follow Canberra’s lead.

Canada has gone one step furter, and as Breitbart News reported Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault said last Thursday his country will now make Facebook compensate Canadian news organizations for using their content just as Australia has succeeded in doing.

He called Facebook’s action against Australia “highly irresponsible” and said Canada would “move forward to put in place fair legislation between news media and web giants.”

“Last week, I met with my Australian, Finnish, German and French counterparts to work together on this issue. The more of us around the table adopting similar regulations, the harder it will be for Facebook to continue such actions. There is strength in numbers!” he said

I have to give thanks to Australian PM who is a Christian man for his stand against the social tech giant!! This is not my country but where I have lived for 18 years and seemed destined to remain since I can’t leave at this time or in near future due to Covid, so glad to see his stand. It was encouragement to many other countries to stand up to the tech giant who would control the world if allowed and this was a solid win for us who want freedom!