Twitter suspends major Christian group FOCUS ON THE FAMILY on mind-boggling grounds

‘Cancel Culture is barreling down the track like a runaway train on a mountain pass

Joe Kovacs By Joe Kovacs
Published January 31, 2021 at 5:43pm

It’s not just President Trump and the MyPillow guy Mike Lindell who are facing the wrath of Twitter in recent days.

Now, the social-media giant has suspended Focus on the Family, an influential Christian-based family organization.

The supposed crime? Its “Daily Citizen” publication stated factual information regarding the biological sex of Rachel Levine, President Biden’s assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services.

“As I’ve noted before, Big Tech titans are the new emperors of the twenty-first century, wielding an inordinate amount of power by silencing individuals and organizations that don’t comport or cave to their political or social point of view,” wrote Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family.

“This past week, Twitter locked The Daily Citizen for an alleged rules violation, specifically that we had posted ‘hateful’ content. It’s simply not true. We did no such thing,” he continued.

At issue was a Tweet pointing to a story about Dr. Rachel Levine, President Biden’s controversial nominee for Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services.

The tweet included the following sentence:

“Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.” Is Big Tech looking to suppress undeniable facts?

It seems, according to Twitter, simply acknowledging biological fact is now “hateful.”

As we noted to Twitter in our appeal (we have since been denied), we were deeply puzzled as to why we’re not permitted to simply acknowledge the definition of what transgender women are – those born male who believe they are a woman, regardless of whether they have had opposite-sex hormones or surgeries.

The article itself had absolutely nothing to do with Dr. Levine’s “trans” identification. It had to do with his fitness for the job based on his previous record.

We’ve asked Twitter to explain what was wrong with our wording and even asked them how we might describe Dr. Levine to their liking. At this writing, we haven’t heard back.

Over the course of the last week, President Biden has been stressing the need for unity – but his actions since taking office are all about demanding uniformity. There appears to be no room for convictional disagreement.

You will comply – or be silenced.

The “Cancel Culture” is barreling down the track like a runaway train on a mountain pass, threatening to run over anyone in its path.

Daly also provided a list of other individuals whose free-speech rights have been pummeled online recently.

  • Curt Schilling – had his insurance dropped by AIG; may not make Hall of Fame today because of statements supporting conservative causes
  • Brandon Eich – Mozilla CEO, ousted after it was discovered he’d privately given money in support of California’s anti-gay marriage referendum in the past
  • Martina Navratilova – thrown off LGBT advocacy board and loses speaking engagements and documentary after arguing that transgender male athletes shouldn’t be able to compete in women’s sports
  • J.K. Rowling – prevented from getting last book published because of tweets making distinctions between the sexes
  • Ariel Pink dropped from record label for attending Trump rally, not to mention all of the people who have been fired from jobs for attending the January 6 rally, regardless of whether they even came near the Capitol
  • CrossFit founder Greg Glassman forced to sell company after making remarks critical of the rioting last year

“It goes on and on. And we’re only at the beginning of a coordinated effort to silence those of us with socially conservative convictions,” Daly said. “Please be in prayer for us as we navigate this cultural maelstrom. In reality, this tension over free speech and religious liberty have existed from the earliest days of the country – but it’s exacerbated and magnified in this post-Christian era.”

The Daily Citizen reported that there is some help coming from other family organizations:

Allies of Focus on the Family are sending a letter to Twitter, declaring their support for the organization and the truth that “a person’s biological sex cannot be changed.” The effort, led by Family Policy Alliance (FPA), asks Twitter to reconsider its lockdown of The Daily Citizen for posting a tweet that defined a “transgender woman” as “a man who believes he is a woman.”

A petition spearheaded by FPA has also been initiated. It states:

“You recently banned Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen from your platform for stating a biological fact: A biological male is a male.

“I stand with Focus on the Family. So, if you are going to ban them, are you going to ban millions of others like me who believe that biology is reality – and that freedom of speech matters in America?

“If your censorship continues, Twitter will become a stagnant echo chamber.”

The Daily Citizen also reported: “In addition to the petition and the letter, earlier today FPA launched a Twitter campaign, #AreWeNext? They and supportive organizations and individuals are asking if they’ll also be locked out of Twitter for stating the truth that transgender-identified individuals remain the genetic and biological sex they were born, regardless of drugs, hormones and surgeries.

CENSORSHIP ALERT: Twitter banned @FocusCitizen from their platform. The crime? A tweet which identified Asst. Health Sec. pick Rachel Levine as a biological male. If stating the facts gets you banned, none of us belong here. @Twitter, we’re wondering: #AreWeNext? RT to speak out!

— FamilyPolicyAlliance (@family_policy) January 29, 2021

No Christian individual or church or organization is exempt from there control — YOU WILL COMPLY OR BE SILENCED … reminiscent of communist rule in Germany and China and other dictatorship nations. Are we going to continue to allow this to happen with only a whimper? What happens when they ask you to deny Jesus?