Peace at any price …

peace.jpgWe as Christians say the only peace is found in God yet we too are searching for peace while sitting in the church surrounded by God. We are filled with worry, anxiety, anger, sleepless nights, mistrust, and fears of everything and to all of those things, the peace of God is there for us yet we don’t reach out and take it.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


What they call the red letter words of the Bible … the actual words spoken by Jesus. The promise He left for all of us who believe in Him. And the words that nearly everyone on earth has heard …


Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


God’s peace, the hope we have of a good night’s sleep and getting through each day no matter what happens is there for us all the time and for free. The free love of God Who paid the price for all the peace we could ever want by sending His only begotten Son to the cross to die for us, Who rose from the dead and sits with His Father ever interceding for us, for that peace we all crave so badly but can’t seem to find.


Today the dearest man in my life, my beloved husband said three words to me after he sat patiently letting me go on about something that had taken my peace. He asked me about it and I gave him answers and then he said; honey, let it go, just let it go. And as so many of his “God words do” I just calmed and felt a release and I let it go. God uses him in that way to settle my mind when I’m stirring over things.


And that is what God does for us, He lets us rant on and pray and cry out to Him and when we finally cry out all our tears (us ladies) and lose all our anger and calm and give up our own striving to right the wrong done to us … then God pours out His peace like a warm blanket on a cold night and things don’t seem so bad. Now granted sometimes we go through our struggle and fighting for a long time … it isn’t easy to just let go of circumstances.


It is a fine line we walk as we don’t just give up and not try to fix things especially if we are to blame but we have to learn when to let God take the control and fix the things we can’t. It depends on how well we know God too. If we don’t know God intimately, it’s very hard to trust that He is working all things together for good. But if we do know Him, if we have spent time in His Word and meditating on His works and His nature, we will have faith in His plan and purposes, His love for us, His sovereign control over all circumstances in life, and we can relax and rest in the “peace that passes all understanding”. But if we don’t know Him, we will always struggle against life’s hard circumstances and never be able to just let it go and find that peace.


On the other hand, there is a positive reason for struggling—it is good for us and is God’s plan to grow and mature us into the people He wants us to be. Struggles are just one of the ways He strengthens us for the hard things life throws at us. Each one enables us to be stronger and better able to handle the next one. Trials are designed to show us and others that our faith is real. In Christ, we can face the trials of life with grace and good humor and complete faith that whatever God has for us is okay. This comes from years of walking with Him, trial upon trial, and struggle upon struggle.


We have to learn when it is best to let it go for God to resolve and take His peace and when it’s our part to keep struggling to make it right, which always makes me think of that famous Kenny Rogers song, The Gambler …


You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run


Sometimes we just need to let it go and run to God for His love and Peace and wait for another time. He will never forsake us or let us go and He is always waiting for us to run to Him. He will always bless His people with PEACE!


God is calling us to Outrageous Faith

In this new season God is calling us to Outrageous Faith like we have never risked before! In turn He is giving us back Outrageous Miracles, Promises, Breakthroughs, Design Ideas, Book Ideas, Businesses and Witty Inventions! Now is the time to trust God with all your heart, step out in outrageous faith even if you can’t see the next step … just open your spiritual eyes, look up to God and step out. He will not disappoint you!


How can we be anything but optimistic when we’re destined to conquer EVERYTHING?
