We Demand Justice

This word is for all those who love truth and are not afraid to see and speak the truth of our government leftists that would take over our country. It is not for those who want to go along with the socialist move to take our religious freedom and right to share God through churches and all the other ways we do. If you wish to turn your back on truth that God is in control and His ability to step into the situation as HIS prophets have spoken. If you have a problem with God’s men like Dutch Sheets, Mario Murillo, Chuck Pierce and Lance Wallnau to name just a few … just simply go away and don’t listen or read and then write me hate messages about it as I am not interested in the division that has come between Christians in America. Things I put on here or elsewhere are not speaking against fellow Christians but against the evil the enemy is doing with his lies and delusions to cause our country to be destroyed and taken over by tyrants who are God haters and will cut off all we have that God has given us.

We are to be Ambassadors for Christ not haters of the Brethren ~ Charlene